Sign in:

1. Is it mandatory to have an account to shop on Dyinem.com?

Yes. One needs to register on dyinem.com to shop with us. Creating an account will ease and improve your future buying experience on the site, help track your pending orders and help save your order history.

2. Is Dyinem available in stores?

No, not at this point of time.


3. How do I know my order has been confirmed?

Once payment for your purchase has been made by you and your order has been placed online, you will receive an email from support@dyinem.com confirming receipt of your order. You would be provided with an order number, details of the order and the amount you have paid. You will also receive an SMS confirming the same.

4. Will I receive an invoice for my purchase?

On placing your order on dyinem.com, you will receive an email notification as a payment receipt. A tax invoice will be generated when the product is shipped to you and will be delivered along with the product.

5. How do I check the current status of my orders?

Login to your account. Click on orders in your profile and get the complete details of your order including the current status.

6. Why did I receive only part of my order?

The reasons why you could have partially received an order are:

  1. We shipped out your items in two different shipments. The other one could still be in transit. OR
  2. The stock for the remaining item(s) was not available. In this unlikely event, you will receive a call from our customer service representative informing you of the same. In case you are unavailable on your registered phone number, an email notification will be sent to you. You could email or call us on the email ID and phone number provided on our website to get more clarity on your order status. At this point you could choose to purchase another colour or style by placing a fresh order in our website. Your refund will be processed and credited to your account for the non-delivered item.

Returns, Exchanges and Refunds:

7. Are returns & exchanges acceptable on Dyinem.com?

Yes, we accept& offer easy returns and exchanges , if done within 15 calendar days of receipt or delivery of the product. To know more about our Return and Exchange policy, please click the link

Refund and Exchange Policy

8. Does Dyinem charge shipping fees to customer for Return-Refund and Return-Exchange?

All products returned to brand are reverse picked up free of charge to customers.

8. Can I cancel my order once placed on dyinem.com?

You may cancel your order within 48hours of making payment online. Login to your account on dyinem.com, navigate to your personal dashboard on the website. Under ‘Orders’ click on ‘Refund’

9. What happens if my order has been dispatched before the 48hour period?

If your order has been dispatched within or before the closure of the 48-hour period, a customer service executive will get in touch with you with that information. After which, you can login to your account on dyinem.com, navigate to your personal dashboard under ‘Orders’ and request for a ‘Refund’.

10. When can I exchange an item on Dyinem?

In the event you need to exchange your item, you can do so within 15 calendar days of receipt or delivery of the product. Login to your account on dyinem.com, navigate to your personal dashboard on the website. Under ‘Orders’ click on ‘RETURN’.

11. How does the exchange process work on Dyinem?

You will be required to fill the Exchange request form, choose an alternate new product in exchange and submit. Your item will be reverse picked up by our logistic partner and exchange will be processed on receipt of the ‘Exchange’ item at the warehouse.

In the event the new product you have chosen in exchange is of higher value,differences in amount will be charged to you by sending payment link to registered email id once the “submit” request button on exchange process has been completed.If the product chosen in exchange is of lower value, the differences in amount will be refunded to source account or to dyinem wallet depending on the choice made by you while submitting the exchange request form.

12. How do I return the product back to Dyinem?

When you place a refund request or exchange request on your account dashboard, our customer service agent will book a reverse pick up of the package. Ensure your product has all the barcode tags and other tags intact to facilitate smooth service. The logistics partner assigned will connect with you on your registered mobile number and fix a time for pick-up of your package.

13. If I return an item, how do I get refunded?

Once the returned product has been received in our warehouse and the product has been verified to be in good condition (not used, damaged), a refund will be processed to the original payment instrument.  

14. How long does the refund take to be credited to my account once effected?

Typically, a refund will take about 5-7 working days to credit back to your account. 

15. What is the time frame for the entire return pick up process to the refund process?

Please allow between 10-15 days for the entire process to be completed.

Shipping & Delivery:

16. How are orders placed on dyinem.com delivered to me?

Once an order is placed, it is processed as per your choices and made ready for shipment. Dyinem uses reputed logistics service partners to deliver your order. It is our endeavor to ensure you are serviced through SMS and Emails with real time updates on the status of your delivery.

17. How can I find out if Dyinem delivers to my PIN Code?

When you are on the ‘Selected Product’ page of the website, you can type your pincode to check availability of delivery service. In case your pincode is not serviceable, you can rest assured we are working on finding partners that can service your location.

18. What is the estimated delivery time of my order?

Based on your location, delivery times vary. Typically, it takes 2-3 days for delivery to all metros & Tier 1 cities. Tier 2 & 3 cities may take between 3 to 5 days for delivery. Some cities in North East India & J&K etc., may take upto 7 days for delivery. This depends entirely on the Logistics Service partners who support us. In the event of any force majeure situations, you may experience additional delays.

19. Is shipping chargeable?

Shipping charges are free for all shipments.

20. Are returns chargeable?

The first return is not charged. However, subsequent returns on the same Order and product will be charged to your account. Any charges on returns will be at actuals as charged by our logistics partners.

21. How are returns shipped back to Dyinem?

When you place a refund request or exchange request on your account dashboard, our customer service agent will book a reverse pick up of the package. Ensure your product has all the barcode tags and other tags intact to facilitate smooth service. The logistics partner assigned will connect with you on your registered mobile number and fix a time for pick-up of your package.

22. Does Dyinem.com deliver outside India?

Yes, we accept International orders and deliver Internationally. All terms and conditions for International delivery remain the same as above.


23. How secure is my data on dyinem.com?

All information on the website is sought only for the purposes of servicing customer orders and will not be shared with any outside entities for any purpose whatsoever. You may read more on security of your data in our ‘Privacy Policy’.